State Farm
About : JIm Boyette~Agent, Insurance Representatives Melissa Laduke, Chelsea Betts, Sharon Rucker, and Misty Carter.
Description : Our mission is to help people manage the risks of everyday life, recover from the unexpected and realize their dreams. .
710 Ca Ave SW, Camden, AR 71701-4606
Phone: 870-836-7880
Distance: 2.8 Miles
Recent Facebook Posts:
When you\u2019re a kid, there\u2019s nothing better than summertime. Help them beat the heat, swim smart, and play safe.
When the heat turns up, stay cool with light, refreshing meals. Try using fruits and veggies to mix up some crisp summer salads.
#InternationalHomelessAnimalsDay on 8/15 is a great reminder to spay, neuter and microchip our pets.